Monday, July 16, 2007

Religion: The Pomoter of All Evil

Why is the Virgin Mary statue crying?....Her religion is messed up.

Last night in the news there was a report on the sex crimes committed by the Catholic church in Los Angeles. The victims, over 500 of them, would receive a combined amount of 660 million dollars for the crimes committed on them by the priest, that's a little over 1 million dollars each. My question isn't on why these priest did what they did because we all know that priest are usually pedophiles and pervs, but where does all that money come from?

I can talk about some of the other things religion has done through out time that questions their motives as a religion. Such things like the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Holocaust and all the small battles that are still going on to this date between different faiths, but to keep true to the name I will stick with what specifically is pissing me off today, that being the source of all the money big religions seem to have.

So I ask you this. When a religion has more than half a billion dollars to shut a few mouths up in one city, why does this religion still ask you for donations during mass and why don't they use that money to help out the people they pray for?

Something that surprised me a few years back was a comparison between Mother Teresa and a business tycoon who ended up going to jail due to fraud. This comparison was to show that this man, who was seen as an evil man by the media, had in reality helped more people in a few years than Mother Teresa had her whole life. This man created jobs and opportunities and MT just prayed. So why is she seen as such a saint? Couldn't she asked her buddies down at Vatican City to stop molesting children for a while and write her a check? I mean if money was an issue at the time, why not pawn a few of those gold chairs and diamond rings?

I also question the followers of such religions. Why do you keep supporting them? Why do you give them more money? Don't you think that when a religion, whatever it may be, does something that horrible, should continue to have supporters?

That's whats pissing me off today.


Lupe said...

leave it to you to write something like this. i think you have a very good point. i am catholic and i go to church every sunday and all i have to say on this subject is that shit happens and some people are perverted. the catholic religion is something i wish not to fuck with but i will say that it is run by a bunch of ignorant and arrogant people and honestly im not even sure if they believe the things that they preech.

Dude4danameofMufasa said...
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Dude4danameofMufasa said...
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Dude4danameofMufasa said...

Dude all I can say is that for those victim, the lesson that they have learned from that priest is that hell those exists. Don't be fooled churches have money why do you think they could build those eligant buildings. Correction elegant and gigantic buildings, it's simply to atract and acommudate for the number of the of faithfull people so they could have more money. The world can sometimes be a cruel place to live on body boy but as lupe puts it shit happens.

Anonymous said...

you cannot expect perfection from a relgion. perfection is in God only. mistakes will happen. the church has done many more good things that bad things. you are very critical of religion. socially, how would you manage the mojority of the population without religion? countless of people in the world rely on religious teachings, be it christian, muslim, jewish, buddhist... for moral guidelines. natural law does not exist. Man is inherently evil, religion counters mans inherent character.