The thing that bugs me most about celebrities, is when a celebrity has children. There are a few things that make me think this.
A prime example would be Nicole Richie. Her adopted father Lionel Richie made his living with his singing and I applaud that, but by getting a child he put to risk the Richie name. His daughter, who had no need to work, set forth a life of easy living and trouble making. Her tape goddess friend Paris, who I will not talk about due to there being too much to say about her, wasn't the person who gave Nicole that path, pure luck at birth gave her that path. Now she might go to jail. Who knew?
2.Success is just too easy for them.
Having famous daddies and mommies can help out a lot if you want to get into an entertainment industry. You don't even have to have talent to do so, just a popular last name. This pollutes the business with untalented artist and takes away opportunities from real talents. I wont even mention the bloated ego these people get.
3.Deprived Children
This will probably be the only defense toward famous kids ill make. Having a child while in the prime of your celebrity status can end up with a child deprived of a mother or father, which is no surprise why these children grow up to have some of the most fast and fucked up lives. Look at Ms. Spears, sometimes I wonder if she even remembers she has kids.
4.Messed up Gene Pool.
Celebrities tend to not have the brightest children, good looking but not always bright. Nuff' said.
5.My favorite thing to hate is....
That popular statement when a paparazzi snaps a shot of the little bundle of joy. The way the celebrities defend the idea of leaving the kid alone, "my child didn't pick to have this lifestyle so I would prefer if you leave him/her alone". This is total bull poop. You picked to give your child that lifestyle now live with it. If its such a problem don't fucking have kids then.
6.One last thing...
Stop adopting so many kids...there wont be any left for us normal folks to adopt. Adopt a puppy or something.
That's whats on my mind.
its funny that youre so right
Picking on celeb's that's calssic men. We all know that they are specially designed humans that inforce motives that far exceeds the level of normality that the majority of human being views as. We aplaud them for their talent while they are at their best performance and wish that we are at their level of perfection, yet when they are out in public and we caught their incompetence we are all of a sudden remided that they are just like us, or better yet, we are better than them for they fail to function normally in public. Thus we laugh and marvel at such actions and dislike them for their performance. But then we go to the movies to watch them anyway cause it looks cool and it has special affects and see if such celebrity continue to inspire us........anyways your right about the majority of them being bad parents........However I must disagree with your opinion about celebs stoping on adopting babies, because they have money men an adopted baby by a celeb is still better than a baby with out parents. For example, like Angelina and Brad, they have lots of adopted children but they still manage to provide for them, cause they're rich. If I was an orphan I would want to get adopted by them for sure.
July 18, 2007 10:30 PM
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