Thursday, August 9, 2007

RING around the poser...

When the first person came up with the name "earring" they did it because of the obvious look of the piercing, a ring, or loop, in and and around the ear. That I don't have a problem with, the problem comes when the jewelry stops being a ring, and starts to take form of other items such as a stud or a chandelier style piece of metal. When this happens can an earring still be called a ring? I don't think so. If the jewelry doesn't loop in any way, the jewelry should get a different name, one that tells you what its doing.

For example, the studs should stop having the name "earrings" and get the name "earballs" and the chandeliers type should get the name "eardanglers". That way it avoids confusion among us normal folks, or at least lets us know with greater detail what exactly you're wearing.

This petition to change the name of "earrings" doesn't just end at the ears, it goes for everything else that could be pierced, such as nipples, tongues, and genitalia to name a few.

This entry is dedicated to someone special. She was the inspiration for this lame entry.

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