As most of the world saw on the Mtv Music Awards, the celebrities there had a few moments that would be consider controversial and talk-worthy, and they were. Only because the people it happened too are famous and house hold names.
How many guys in the world had fist fight over a girl? Many, but when Kid Rock and Tommy Lee did it, it made the news the next day. But what are we suppose to expect from these guys? One is a trailer trash wannabe and one is a stupid drummer from a band that kind of sucks. Both fought over a hot babe with huge milk silos. Doesn't that happen all the time down south? So why expect less? They're people too, right?
Then you have Kanye West who threw a bitch fit after he lost every single thing he was nominated for. Don't babies do the same when they don't have their way? So why expect anything else from an obvious mama's-boy?
Talking about mothers, Britney probably had the worse night. Her lip syncing wasn't too bad, it would have surprised me more is she had actually sang, but we all know she hasn't done that ever and will never do it due to the lack (absence) of talent. The media made a huge deal about her body, which wasn't completely bad. It was a bit bigger and a bit more saggy then her younger years, but what do you expect? Shes a mother of two. There's women who don't have kids that look like they have had a bakers dozen of kids. So I wont say much about that. I will suggest that she just quits. Someone needs to tell her that shes done, that today people like singers that sing.
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