This isn’t news, I know. It was one of the reasons that kept me away from Myspace for such a long time, now I’m wondering why I even joined. The thing is that it’s only the small things that drive me crazy about the people that hang around Myspace.
For example, WhO DeCiDeD tHaT ThIs WaS A cOoL WaY tO wRiTe? Because if you know that person, please do me a favor and kick him/her in the face. Cuz omg, itz sooooooo aknowyeeng (trust me, I’ve seen it spelled that way) een stfu cuz no1 thoz dat anymoor*. That’s another thing I don’t like.
Abbreviations are ok, but don’t try to abbreviate everything and make a word longer than it should be. Also please, if you send me any sort of message or email, please, I beg that you take some time with grammar and spelling. I do. That’s how much I care about you guys. Once again I don’t mind abbreviations, but take it easy. What happened to actually caring about what you write these days? I mean, you’re on your computer; you have a full fucking keyboard with all 26 letters. Use them all. It’s not a phone pad, ** you can use all the letters.
Another thing is pictures. I don’t mind that you have a zillion pictures, but is it really necessary to have 100 of them from the same party, with the same people in all of them? I mean, I get it, you went there, you meet those 4 and you had fun. I got it from the first 2 pictures; I don’t need 98 more of them.
Also, last time I checked, cameras still have delay timers. So what’s up with all of those self taken pictures? You know the ones with your face, your shoulder and a trail of arm going up to the corner of the picture? And why do you feel the need to take some of those with yourself looking down? Its not artist, if that’s what your going for, its stupid. I can see how one or two would be ok, but quit it already. One more thing, if you take a “mirror picture” don’t be an idiot, make sure you turn the flash off and move the camera away from the face. We don’t need to see a ball of light with boobs. If I see boobs, I like to know who they belong to.
I can go on, but to not offend the easily offended I will stop for now.
If you agree with me, IDK, lik drop me a com’t oar sumeding. If you don’t, let me know why.
*This was my best.
**Text messages I forgive, since quickness and character limitation is a factor
Brilliant, Efrain!
Absolutely brilliant!!!
I don't agree with you because you have long hair. (
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