Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Jesus Christ: The First Charlie Sheen
So I was talking to one of my friend about an idea proposed by the author of The Da Vinci Code. This was the idea and belief that Jesus was in fact married and even a father. Of course he, being a devoted Catholic, found all this to be false fabrication to sell a few books. I, of course, disagree. I think that Dan Brown, if anything, underestimated Jesus’ ass-getting abilities.
Lets review the 5 reasons, in my mind, made Jesus such a catch.
1. Like Father Like Son.
Only an almighty god can knock up a girl and make her believe that she was still in fact a virgin, making me in turn believe that suaveness like that might be hereditary. If in fact that talent is transmissible then Jesus would be the only man on earth to inherit god like abilities in the ladies department.
2. Surfer’s body.
What straight women wouldn’t like a man with the chiseled body of a…well a god? Being a carpenter not only gave him the benefit of being an awesome furniture maker but also gave him the lean look of a surfer. Don’t believe me? Just look at all the crucifixes. Other than the fact that he is dying on it, the six pack and the long hair would make any guy envy him and any girl get hot under the robe.
3. Jesus What?
Being called “the son of God” not only made you respectable but also very rich in peoples’ mind. Women would flock to a man who was believed to either be very rich or have a possibility of a future success. Kind of like how a prince would get all the babes because his dad is the king, or how a brat would get away with a DUI because his dad is the State Attorney. Not only did he get the ability to get women drunk with water but he also got a great last name.
4. Famous
Only the most famous of people walk around with a group of people. That we now call an “entourage” but back then each one of them was considered a disciple because “entourage” was considered too Frenchy and their hate for France was so immense that the country didn’t even exist. These “disciples” where so hungry for fame that they decided to mooch off of Jesus’ life and beliefs and write a book to pay their bills. Even now his fame has made that book more popular than Harry Potter, another book about a boy that gets popular because of his magical abilities.
5. Commitment?
Are you looking for a long relationship? Well Jesus’ wasn’t. He was probably one of the only men of his time to have the ability to say, “I would love to marry you, but….yeah.”
His awareness of his early death didn’t leave much room for a long term commitment and therefore giving him the excuse for one night stands.
If that hasn’t changed your mind on why we now celebrate the birth of the world’s coolest person and basically the oldest known rock star, then I don’t know what will, maybe you can ask yourself WWJD? (Who Would Jesus Do?).
So in conclusion I don’t believe he was married, he’s too cool for that and I don’t believe he had an offspring, but many.
Happy Birthday J-Man
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Love the language but hate the music.
Before anyone sets out to do away with me, I would like to make my point. I will get to only some genres and explain in full detail the things I don’t like about them and the artist that furthermore make me want to shove my head into a blender and take some of that music with me and maybe spare the innocence of a future generation.
I will begin in no specific order.
This genre of music is generally new. It’s basically like emo’s gay cousin. The songs usually consist of depressing themes that are interlaced with an upbeat sound in slow motion. The groups consist of metrosexual guys in a band with names that don’t make sense with the genre. On so call group is X-Treme. Which makes no sense since no part of them is extreme. Well maybe one of the dude’s eyebrows.
The only thing I like about this genre is that there is fewer members now than there was a few months ago. Yes I went there. I guess someone was as fed up with me about this music style that they decided to do something about it. We all know that this style is almost always associated with crime and trafficking and it’s no surprise that lately there are fewer artists due to that.
Who decide to rape an already bad genre like reggae and keep the retarded baby? The only creative things these people do is come up with stupid names for themselves. Why cant there be an artist that keeps their own name? Not only are they themselves untalented but the music they produce is uncreative. Its easy to rhyme when you purposely put the same ending to words that otherwise wouldn’t rhyme.
Spanish Rock:
I have nothing against this genre. I love rock, but I hate fakers. Who decide to make RBD and Belinda rock artist? Who ever decided this can contact me, arrange a meeting and hopefully get your ass kicked for ruining such a good genre. Although there are many great rock artist that sing in spanish like Molotov and El Tri, there are also great artist with gay names. Please do me and all of your fans a favor and change your name. You can’t get much respect with a band name like Camilla or Allison. Those are girl names for a reason.
That should cover most of the big selection in spanish music. If I miss any important ones let me know so I can tell you what I hate about them.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving 07. Not the best in traditional sense but the most memorable
The call was an invitation to a thanksgiving dinner. I decided to go figuring that since my family was gone I had no one to spend it with. The dinner in reality was a lunch due to some family tradition. So once again dinner was scheduled alone.
Once I arrived back home I watched more TV. I checked my email which to my surprise was...empty. Figures. So I decide to work on my dinner. I did. It was delicious.
The meal began with some cold fries from the day before and some shrimp that came with the meal. After I was done with that I decide to go a bit creative. I microwaved a few corndogs and a can of chili. I called it chilorndogs. To that I added a turkey sandwich. Probably the only traditional thing I had. For dessert I had Pop-Tarts that I found deep in the cabinet. I only had one and a half due to one of them breaking up and falling on floor. I don't trust the floor.
To sum it up, Thanksgiving was lonely but delicious.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
How the iPod isnt so great.
Ive been a firm believer for many years now that in the world of digital media players, the iPod has lost its mystique.
I've been a big fan of Apple and its great products over the years, I even had high hopes for them in their bad years, but I started a mini crusade a while back. I want to stop all this hype.
What people don't know is that other companies stepped up as soon as the iPod hype started and created a great variety of mp3 players. Some of these are by all means better in almost all ways than the iPod. I need to start by saying that I have a full profound respect for the Apple company and its product, but a personal thing against the hype.
This all started when I was in the market for a new mp3 player, with high hopes that it would be an iPod, a nano to be more exact. I did what any responsible buyer would do, I did my research.
Turns out that many companies have top notch players. In my search I came upon the Sandisk e200 series. I instantly fell in love with it. It offered everything that the Nano offer like picture and a 4 gig capability plus a lot more. The Sansa, as it is called, offered the ability of video and a flash based memory (which allows for faster searches through your library, compared to the hard drive base iPods). It also had a FM tuner and a voice recorder plus the ability of extra memory through its SD memory card slot. The only thing you had to compromise was the size. The Sansa which wasn't as thin as the Nano was only a bit bigger, about the width of a pencil, but was a bit shorter. The screen and the resolution is also bigger and better than the nano, by a lot. One thing that might not be very important and is overlooked ofter is the battery. The Sansa offers a removable lithium battery, this is important because once this battery dies out from years of recharges you can just order the battery and not have to send in the player to have it professionally changed. The best thing about all of this was that when I bought it, a few days after its release, it was brand new and cheaper than its competitor, by about 50 bucks.
So now a proud owner of a 4 gig Sandisk Sansa for almost 2 years its still probably one of the best mp3 players out there.
I'm just putting that out there.
Friday, September 21, 2007
How to be a straight gay man.
Maybe the show has a secret message?
Today in 20/20 they had a segment on how religious organizations are providing homosexuals a way to change their "behavior" and be straight "again".
This didn't surprise me at all since religious nuts are always finding a way to contradict science and common knowledge, but what did surprise me was the amount of gay men that it didn't help. I thought that maybe if the program worked and homosexuality was a behavior more and more men would change and stay straight. That wasn't the case. Most of the men, by most i mean almost all of them, went back to their past "behavior" and the ones that supposedly changed were not completely straight. Gay feelings still lingered and most still acted upon them.
The show also mention a few things that these sorts of programs do wrong. Like cause these people the ability to be happy. By not acting on their feelings these people lose the ability to know affection and love and have to live a life of lies.
I guess eventually people will realize that homosexuality isn't a behavior, but something that you just are. You just have to accept that, and hope others will too. The religious freaks will have to wait to be proven wrong by science.
Maybe the missing link is a gay caveman?
Monday, September 10, 2007
Celebrities are People Too... I Think?
As most of the world saw on the Mtv Music Awards, the celebrities there had a few moments that would be consider controversial and talk-worthy, and they were. Only because the people it happened too are famous and house hold names.
How many guys in the world had fist fight over a girl? Many, but when Kid Rock and Tommy Lee did it, it made the news the next day. But what are we suppose to expect from these guys? One is a trailer trash wannabe and one is a stupid drummer from a band that kind of sucks. Both fought over a hot babe with huge milk silos. Doesn't that happen all the time down south? So why expect less? They're people too, right?
Then you have Kanye West who threw a bitch fit after he lost every single thing he was nominated for. Don't babies do the same when they don't have their way? So why expect anything else from an obvious mama's-boy?
Talking about mothers, Britney probably had the worse night. Her lip syncing wasn't too bad, it would have surprised me more is she had actually sang, but we all know she hasn't done that ever and will never do it due to the lack (absence) of talent. The media made a huge deal about her body, which wasn't completely bad. It was a bit bigger and a bit more saggy then her younger years, but what do you expect? Shes a mother of two. There's women who don't have kids that look like they have had a bakers dozen of kids. So I wont say much about that. I will suggest that she just quits. Someone needs to tell her that shes done, that today people like singers that sing.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
LOL (Laughing Or Lying)? :)
I know this from personal use. When the conversation becomes awkward or silent a LOL is the best thing I can come up with. I don't mean it, but it works. I guess it tells the person to pick up the dead conversation.
LOL also has a sarcastic and rude tone to it. When you say a joke or something with a bit of humor, the LOL makes you question if the person found it funny or is just being careful with your feelings.
So basically I want to petition a new word or symbol for laughter. Any suggestions?
Thursday, August 9, 2007
RING around the poser...
For example, the studs should stop having the name "earrings" and get the name "earballs" and the chandeliers type should get the name "eardanglers". That way it avoids confusion among us normal folks, or at least lets us know with greater detail what exactly you're wearing.
This petition to change the name of "earrings" doesn't just end at the ears, it goes for everything else that could be pierced, such as nipples, tongues, and genitalia to name a few.
This entry is dedicated to someone special. She was the inspiration for this lame entry.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
How "High School Musical" got it wrong.
Monday, July 30, 2007
The WTF Dreams!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Update on the evils of religion.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Pricey Ice-y
Monday, July 16, 2007
Why We Should Sterilize Celebrities.
The thing that bugs me most about celebrities, is when a celebrity has children. There are a few things that make me think this.
A prime example would be Nicole Richie. Her adopted father Lionel Richie made his living with his singing and I applaud that, but by getting a child he put to risk the Richie name. His daughter, who had no need to work, set forth a life of easy living and trouble making. Her tape goddess friend Paris, who I will not talk about due to there being too much to say about her, wasn't the person who gave Nicole that path, pure luck at birth gave her that path. Now she might go to jail. Who knew?
2.Success is just too easy for them.
Having famous daddies and mommies can help out a lot if you want to get into an entertainment industry. You don't even have to have talent to do so, just a popular last name. This pollutes the business with untalented artist and takes away opportunities from real talents. I wont even mention the bloated ego these people get.
3.Deprived Children
This will probably be the only defense toward famous kids ill make. Having a child while in the prime of your celebrity status can end up with a child deprived of a mother or father, which is no surprise why these children grow up to have some of the most fast and fucked up lives. Look at Ms. Spears, sometimes I wonder if she even remembers she has kids.
4.Messed up Gene Pool.
Celebrities tend to not have the brightest children, good looking but not always bright. Nuff' said.
5.My favorite thing to hate is....
That popular statement when a paparazzi snaps a shot of the little bundle of joy. The way the celebrities defend the idea of leaving the kid alone, "my child didn't pick to have this lifestyle so I would prefer if you leave him/her alone". This is total bull poop. You picked to give your child that lifestyle now live with it. If its such a problem don't fucking have kids then.
6.One last thing...
Stop adopting so many kids...there wont be any left for us normal folks to adopt. Adopt a puppy or something.
That's whats on my mind.