Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving 07. Not the best in traditional sense but the most memorable

The day started off as any normal day for a college dropout, waking up half pass ten with the biggest case of morning wood that season. After finishing a bowl of cold cereal (to compliment the cold morning), I get a call from a special someone. After muting the TV, I noticed something. The Macy's Day Parade still sucks.

The call was an invitation to a thanksgiving dinner. I decided to go figuring that since my family was gone I had no one to spend it with. The dinner in reality was a lunch due to some family tradition. So once again dinner was scheduled alone.

Once I arrived back home I watched more TV. I checked my email which to my surprise was...empty. Figures. So I decide to work on my dinner. I did. It was delicious.

The meal began with some cold fries from the day before and some shrimp that came with the meal. After I was done with that I decide to go a bit creative. I microwaved a few corndogs and a can of chili. I called it chilorndogs. To that I added a turkey sandwich. Probably the only traditional thing I had. For dessert I had Pop-Tarts that I found deep in the cabinet. I only had one and a half due to one of them breaking up and falling on floor. I don't trust the floor.

To sum it up, Thanksgiving was lonely but delicious.
Happy Thanksgiving.