Monday, July 30, 2007

The WTF Dreams!

I need help interpreting some dreams that are driving me crazy. I wont go into great detail on what these dreams are about because the dreams are either too lengthy, detailed or way too personal. The things I need help on (which are posted below) are minor details in the dreams, details that I believe have the most meaning in the dream.

I know people out there are pretty good at figuring out what stuff and events in dreams mean so if you're one of them, please help. Even if you're not but you have some theories I would love to hear from you as well.

1. First day of school: the school I go to is made out of natural clay.

2. On a trip: the house next the the B&B I'm staying in has a room with a sign outside with the words "last one to bed".

3.On a hill: A red house in the distance with a great lawn made out of small cactuses.

4.In a hallway: a door at the end of the hallway that keeps leading me to the beginning of the hallway.

These are driving me crazy so any help or comments will help.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Update on the evils of religion.

Where does Mr. Mahony buy his insurance?

As I said in one of my last entries about the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and all the money they must pay to all the victims of their sick habits, a new detail came to the news that surprised me.

The Archdiocese of LA will pay most of the 660 million dollars through its insurance. Insurance? WTF! How does someone get insurance for something like this?Is this insurance available for everyone? because if it is i bet a lot of folks would love to know how to apply for such a protection.

Why cant priest just hire prostitutes? Isn't there a Vatican madam? Maybe they can ask the DC madam to branch out a bit, go global.

That's whats on my mind today.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Pricey Ice-y

What do you get when you mix FEMA and Katrina and wait two years?

You get 12.5 million dollars of tax money literally down the drain.

When Katrina hit the US coast the destruction cause a great need of supplies and food, among these was the need of ice. FEMA, in their full greatness, sent thousands probably millions of pounds of ice to suffice the need of the people affected by the devastation. They did such a dandy job that they ended up with a surplus of ice. What to do with thousands of pounds of unused ice? Maybe put it away for future use?

Well that's what ended up happening and now its been two years and the ice is still being kept in storage up north, some even in Maine. Not so long ago a problem came up. The ice was for some reason is no longer safe for human consumption and is going to be melted and dumped.

All I have to say is bye-bye 12.5 million dollars. Money that was used for the transportation and storage of ice for two years.

So a few questions came to mind: Isn't it much cheaper to get new ice when needed than to store old ice for future use? how does ice all of a sudden become "unsafe"? and why isn't that ice being used for something more proactive instead of it being dumped?

That's whats in my mind today.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Why We Should Sterilize Celebrities.

The thing that bugs me most about celebrities, is when a celebrity has children. There are a few things that make me think this.

1.Children from the rich and famous are brats.

A prime example would be Nicole Richie. Her adopted father Lionel Richie made his living with his singing and I applaud that, but by getting a child he put to risk the Richie name. His daughter, who had no need to work, set forth a life of easy living and trouble making. Her tape goddess friend Paris, who I will not talk about due to there being too much to say about her, wasn't the person who gave Nicole that path, pure luck at birth gave her that path. Now she might go to jail. Who knew?

2.Success is just too easy for them.

Having famous daddies and mommies can help out a lot if you want to get into an entertainment industry. You don't even have to have talent to do so, just a popular last name. This pollutes the business with untalented artist and takes away opportunities from real talents. I wont even mention the bloated ego these people get.

3.Deprived Children

This will probably be the only defense toward famous kids ill make. Having a child while in the prime of your celebrity status can end up with a child deprived of a mother or father, which is no surprise why these children grow up to have some of the most fast and fucked up lives. Look at Ms. Spears, sometimes I wonder if she even remembers she has kids.

4.Messed up Gene Pool.

Celebrities tend to not have the brightest children, good looking but not always bright. Nuff' said.

5.My favorite thing to hate is....

That popular statement when a paparazzi snaps a shot of the little bundle of joy. The way the celebrities defend the idea of leaving the kid alone, "my child didn't pick to have this lifestyle so I would prefer if you leave him/her alone". This is total bull poop. You picked to give your child that lifestyle now live with it. If its such a problem don't fucking have kids then.

6.One last thing...

Stop adopting so many kids...there wont be any left for us normal folks to adopt. Adopt a puppy or something.

That's whats on my mind.

Religion: The Pomoter of All Evil

Why is the Virgin Mary statue crying?....Her religion is messed up.

Last night in the news there was a report on the sex crimes committed by the Catholic church in Los Angeles. The victims, over 500 of them, would receive a combined amount of 660 million dollars for the crimes committed on them by the priest, that's a little over 1 million dollars each. My question isn't on why these priest did what they did because we all know that priest are usually pedophiles and pervs, but where does all that money come from?

I can talk about some of the other things religion has done through out time that questions their motives as a religion. Such things like the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Holocaust and all the small battles that are still going on to this date between different faiths, but to keep true to the name I will stick with what specifically is pissing me off today, that being the source of all the money big religions seem to have.

So I ask you this. When a religion has more than half a billion dollars to shut a few mouths up in one city, why does this religion still ask you for donations during mass and why don't they use that money to help out the people they pray for?

Something that surprised me a few years back was a comparison between Mother Teresa and a business tycoon who ended up going to jail due to fraud. This comparison was to show that this man, who was seen as an evil man by the media, had in reality helped more people in a few years than Mother Teresa had her whole life. This man created jobs and opportunities and MT just prayed. So why is she seen as such a saint? Couldn't she asked her buddies down at Vatican City to stop molesting children for a while and write her a check? I mean if money was an issue at the time, why not pawn a few of those gold chairs and diamond rings?

I also question the followers of such religions. Why do you keep supporting them? Why do you give them more money? Don't you think that when a religion, whatever it may be, does something that horrible, should continue to have supporters?

That's whats pissing me off today.