Wednesday, August 15, 2007

LOL (Laughing Or Lying)? :)

Are people lying or are they actually laughing whenever they type "lol" or "lmao"? In most cases "lol" can be used to fill in an awkward silence or to respond to something completely stupid. In those cases, is it safe to think that the "lol" is valid?
I know this from personal use. When the conversation becomes awkward or silent a LOL is the best thing I can come up with. I don't mean it, but it works. I guess it tells the person to pick up the dead conversation.
LOL also has a sarcastic and rude tone to it. When you say a joke or something with a bit of humor, the LOL makes you question if the person found it funny or is just being careful with your feelings.
So basically I want to petition a new word or symbol for laughter. Any suggestions?

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