Sunday, January 27, 2008

Isn’t it time to end the reservations? HELL YES

For a long time I’ve been a big supporter for a movement that is so taboo that I’ve gotten a few stink eyes when I mention it.

I believe in the idea that Indian Reservations should be done with and the people in them should live normal taxpaying way of life that every other American and non American lives.

I don’t know if it’s me or if it’s all of America that think that Indian Reservations are a waste of taxpayers money, it feels like it’s just me though. Everyone else is too scared to touch on such a controversial issue.

Think about it, other than the fact that the “Native Americans”, and I quote this because the generation that lives there now is too mixed to actually be considered native anymore, get all this government aid like welfare, but are not required to pay any sort of tax. The only tax they pay is any sales tax they come upon when they aren’t shopping inside their tax free reservation.

So basically they get all this government money, by not doing anything, because hundrends of years ago their land was taken over by Americans.


So what do you do when you get all these free money and exemption from taxes? You stop working and get fucking drunk. I’m not being a racist here but it’s a common fact that a very large portion of people living in reservations are unemployed alcoholics.

This subject flares me up so much I’m just going to stop now before I say something that might offend someone even more. Even though I think that the only way to make those droning alcoholic babies come through and realize all the bullshit everyone is thinking has some sense to it, is by airing out the truth.

If you live in one of those reservations, think of something. When your house if burning down and you call OUR fire department, by ours I mean taxpayer’s fire department, you think about how that fire truck was bought and how those men are getting paid, because honestly we, taxpayers, are doing you a favor by not letting your pampered ass get burned.

I will say one thing; I have nothing, absolutely nothing against anyone with a Native American background. This isn’t a race thing; it’s purely an integrity thing.

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